FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

HelpCafe is a product of BITI LLC founded in Berlin, Germany and was first launched in June 2021. The aim of BITI and HelpCafe is to bring the world of Psychological betterment into the 21st century by not only providing the tools and guidance the specialist need to bring their practices and experience to the online community, but to build trust and guidance for those looking for the specific help that they deserve.
We treat your personal data with the utmost care. All information is stored securely and only ever shared after receiving consent from the owner of the data.
HelpCafe is free platform at its core with additional paid services.
Currently there is no mobile or desktop, but if the desire for one were to grow, our team will work on it immediately.
If you believe that your account has been hacked, first attempt to change your password through the forgotten password workflow, and then contact our support team immediately to suspend the account and stop and remove any unauthorized activity.

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